Overclocking Raspberry Pi 3B (debian), 4B (openSUSE)

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#Overclocking Raspberry Pi 4B on openSUSE Tumbleweed (aarch64)

#Important Considerations

  • Overclocking may void your warranty and reduce hardware lifespan.
  • Ensure proper cooling (heatsink and fan) and a stable power supply (official Raspberry Pi USB-C power supply recommended).
  • Always back up your data and configuration files before proceeding.

#Step-by-Step Guide

#1. Install Necessary Tools

sudo zypper install nano lm_sensors stress-ng

#2. Backup Current Configuration

sudo cp /boot/efi/config.txt ~/config.txt.backup

#3. Edit Configuration File

On openSUSE Tumbleweed, the configuration file is typically located at:

sudo nano /boot/efi/config.txt

Start conservatively to ensure stability:

Safe Settings (Recommended):

arm_freq=1750 over_voltage=2 gpu_freq=550

Moderate Settings (Requires Good Cooling):

arm_freq=1900 over_voltage=4 gpu_freq=600

Aggressive Settings (Advanced Users Only, Excellent Cooling Required):

arm_freq=2000 over_voltage=6 gpu_freq=650

#5. Save and Reboot

Save changes (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X) and reboot:

sudo reboot

#Monitoring and Testing Stability

#Check CPU Frequency

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq

#Monitor Temperature

watch -n 1 "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | awk '{print \$1/1000}'"

#Stress Test (5-10 minutes initially)

stress-ng --cpu 4 --timeout 300s

If instability occurs (crashes, overheating, errors), revert to lower settings.

#Troubleshooting and Recovery

  • If the system fails to boot, mount the SD card on another computer and restore the backup:

    sudo cp ~/config.txt.backup /boot/efi/config.txt
  • Check kernel logs for errors:

    dmesg | grep -i error
  • Check for undervoltage warnings:

    dmesg | grep -i voltage

#Overclocking Raspberry Pi 3B on Debian


Overclocking your Raspberry Pi 3B involves editing its configuration file to boot with higher-than-standard clock settings. Be aware that overclocking can cause instability, higher temperatures, and may void your warranty. Adequate cooling and temperature monitoring are essential.

#Step-by-Step Guide

#1. Back Up Your Data

  • Before making any changes, back up your important data in case the system becomes unstable.

#2. Edit the Configuration File

  • Open a terminal
  • Edit the file /boot/config.txt with your favorite text editor:

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt
  • Scroll down (or add at the end) to include the overclocking settings

#3. Add Overclocking Parameters

For a Raspberry Pi 3B, common overclocking settings include:

# Overclock settings for Raspberry Pi 3B arm_freq=1400 core_freq=500 over_voltage=6
  • arm_freq increases the CPU frequency (the default for the Pi 3B is 1200 MHz)
  • core_freq sets the GPU’s “core” clock frequency
  • over_voltage helps stabilize the overclock at higher speeds by increasing the voltage

Note: Some users add force_turbo=1 to keep the CPU at maximum speed constantly, but this increases power consumption and heat, and can void warranty claims regarding performance.

#4. Save and Reboot

  • Save your changes (in nano, press Ctrl+O, Enter, then Ctrl+X)
  • Reboot your Raspberry Pi:

    sudo reboot

#5. Test Stability and Monitor Temperature

  • After rebooting, test your system for stability
  • If you encounter crashes or unusual behavior, reduce the overclock settings until stable
  • Monitor temperature with:

    vcgencmd measure_temp
  • Consider additional cooling if temperatures are high
URL: https://ib.bsb.br/raspberry-overclock
Ref. ["https://ib.bsb.br/raspberry-pi-4b-bootfirmwareconfigtxt", "https://ib.bsb.br/raspberry-pi-3b-bootfirmwareconfigtxt"]