This document provides a comprehensive guide to creating an iOS Shortcut that uses a-Shell to copy text to a remote Debian server’s clipboard and execute a script named


This solution leverages a-Shell, SSH, and a bash script to automate tasks on a remote Debian server. It addresses potential issues like dependency management, error handling, and user feedback through notifications.


  • An iPhone with a-Shell installed.
  • A Debian server with SSH access enabled.
  • Basic familiarity with SSH key management.

#Debian Server Setup

  1. Install xclip:
    sudo apt update sudo apt install xclip -y
  2. Identify Path: Locate the full path to your script. This will be used in the a-Shell script. For example, if the script is located in your home directory, the path would be /home/yourusername/ Replace /path/to/ in the script below with your actual path. Ensure the script has execute permissions: chmod +x /path/to/

#SSH Configuration

This guide assumes you have SSH key-based authentication set up. If not, follow these steps:

  1. Generate SSH Key Pair (on your iPhone in a-Shell):
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
  2. Copy Public Key to Server:
    ssh-copy-id yourusername@debian-server
  3. Test SSH Connection:
    ssh yourusername@debian-server

#a-Shell Script

Create a new script in a-Shell named

cat > ~/.shortcuts/ << 'EOL' #!/bin/bash # Configuration (Update with your actual path) THERMAL_SCRIPT_PATH="/path/to/" # Function to display notification in a-Shell (Improved) show_notification() { local message="$1" echo "\$message" >&2 # Print to stderr for visibility in a-Shell } # Function to run command with error handling run_command() { local command="$1" local error_message="$2" if ! eval "$command"; then show_notification "Error: \$error_message" exit 1 fi } # Main execution TEXT_CONTENT="$1" # Check if text content is provided if [ -z "$TEXT_CONTENT" ]; then show_notification "Error: No text content provided." exit 1 fi # SSH command with error handling and escaping run_command "ssh debian-server \"echo \\\"\$TEXT_CONTENT\\\" | xclip -selection clipboard\"" "Failed to copy to clipboard." run_command "ssh debian-server \"bash -c \\\"$THERMAL_SCRIPT_PATH\\\"\"" "Failed to execute" show_notification "Success: Operations completed successfully." EOL chmod +x ~/.shortcuts/

#iOS Shortcut Setup

  1. Open the Shortcuts app.
  2. Create a new shortcut.
  3. Add “Text” action and set variable name to clipboardText.
  4. Add “Run a-Shell Script” action.
  5. Set the command to: ~/.shortcuts/ "{Shortcut Input}".
  6. Add “Show Notification” action to display the output of the a-Shell script.

(Ideally, include screenshots of each step here)

#Testing and Verification

  1. Run the shortcut with some sample text.
  2. Verify that the text is copied to the Debian server’s clipboard.
  3. Check that executes correctly.
  4. Observe the success/failure notification.


  • SSH Connection Issues: Verify SSH configuration and key setup.
  • xclip Issues: Ensure xclip is installed and functioning correctly on the Debian server.
  • Issues: Check the script’s path, permissions, and logic.
  • Notification Issues: Review the notification settings in the shortcut and a-Shell.