Rclone: Syncing STORJ Cloud to Local Storage

Slug: storj-sync

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#!/bin/bash # Define directories and log file locations LOG_DIR="/var/log/rclone/" SYNC_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/rclone_sync.log" ERROR_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/rclone_errors.log" # Ensure the log directory exists mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}" # Define source, destination, and compare-dest directories SOURCE_DIR="/userdata/" DEST_DIR="Storj:transfer/999_SHARED/" COMPARE_DEST="Storj:transfer/999_SHARED/previous_backups" # Check if the initial sync has been done if [ ! -f "${LOG_DIR}/initial_sync_done" ]; then # Perform the initial synchronization rclone sync "${SOURCE_DIR}" "${DEST_DIR}" --progress -v --log-file="${SYNC_LOG}" 2>>"${ERROR_LOG}" # Check the exit status and create a marker file if successful if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then touch "${LOG_DIR}/initial_sync_done" echo "Initial sync completed successfully." >> "${SYNC_LOG}" else echo "Initial sync encountered an error. Check log for details." >> "${SYNC_LOG}" exit 1 fi fi # Perform daily incremental backups using --copy-dest rclone sync "${SOURCE_DIR}" "${DEST_DIR}" --copy-dest="${COMPARE_DEST}" --progress -v --log-file="${SYNC_LOG}" 2>>"${ERROR_LOG}" # Check the exit status and log appropriately if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Incremental sync operation completed successfully." echo "Incremental sync operation completed successfully." >> "${SYNC_LOG}" else echo "Incremental sync operation encountered an error. Check log for details." echo "Incremental sync operation encountered an error. Check log for details." >> "${SYNC_LOG}" fi

#Automation with Cron

For regular updates, you can automate the synchronization process through a cron job:

crontab -e

Add the following entries to execute the synchronization daily at 9 AM:

0 9 * * * /usr/bin/rstorj.sh
URL: https://ib.bsb.br/storj-sync
Ref. https://rclone.org/s3/#storj