a-Shell Command Reference Guide

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#a-Shell Command Reference Guide

This guide aims to be a comprehensive listing of commands available within the a-Shell app for iOS. It combines information from multiple sources and attempts to resolve any discrepancies.

#Table of Contents

#File Management Commands

Command Description
basename Extracts the filename from a given path. Example: basename /path/to/file.txt returns file.txt.
cat Concatenates and displays file contents. Example: cat file.txt
cd Changes the current directory. Example: cd /path/to/directory
chflags Changes file flags (macOS/Unix). Example: chflags hidden file.txt
chmod Changes file permissions. Example: chmod +x script.sh
cp Copies files and directories. Example: cp file.txt new_file.txt
dirname Extracts the directory portion of a filepath. Example: dirname /path/to/file.txt returns /path/to
du Estimates file space usage. Example: du -h /path/to/directory (for human-readable sizes)
find Searches for files in a directory hierarchy. Example: find . -name "*.txt"
head Displays the first few lines of a file. Example: head file.txt
less Displays file contents with paging. Example: less file.txt
ls Lists directory contents. Example: ls -l (for detailed listing)
mkdir Creates directories. Example: mkdir new_directory
more Displays file contents with paging. Example: more file.txt
mv Moves or renames files and directories. Example: mv file.txt new_location/
pwd Prints the current working directory.
readlink Displays the target of a symbolic link. Example: readlink link_to_file
rm Removes files or directories. Example: rm file.txt or rm -r directory/
rmdir Removes empty directories. Example: rmdir empty_directory/
send2trash Moves files to the trash/recycle bin (if supported). Example: send2trash file.txt
stat Displays file or file system status. Example: stat file.txt
tail Displays the last few lines of a file. Example: tail file.txt
touch Creates empty files or updates timestamps. Example: touch new_file.txt
unlink Removes files (similar to rm). Example: unlink file.txt

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Click to expand the rest of the command list ### Text Processing Commands | Command | Description | |---|---| | `awk` | Pattern-scanning and text-processing language. Example: `awk '{print $1}' file.txt` (prints the first field of each line) | | `egrep` | Searches for lines matching a regular expression (extended grep). Example: `egrep "pattern" file.txt` | | `fgrep` | Searches for lines matching a fixed string (fast grep). Example: `fgrep "string" file.txt` | | `grep` | Searches for lines matching a pattern. Example: `grep "pattern" file.txt` | | `multimarkdown` | Converts MultiMarkdown to HTML. Example: `multimarkdown file.md > file.html` | | `piconv` | Converts text encodings. Example: `piconv -f utf-8 -t latin1 file.txt` | | `sed` | Stream editor for filtering and transforming text. Example: `sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt` (replaces "old" with "new") | | `sort` | Sorts lines of text files. Example: `sort file.txt` | | `tr` | Translates or deletes characters. Example: `tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < file.txt` (converts to uppercase) | | `uniq` | Removes duplicate lines from sorted input. Example: `sort file.txt | uniq` | | `wc` | Counts words, lines, and characters in files. Example: `wc file.txt` | | `wordcloud_cli` | Generates word clouds. Example: `wordcloud_cli --text file.txt --imagefile wordcloud.png` | | `xargs` | Builds and executes command lines from standard input. Example: `find . -name "*.txt" | xargs grep "pattern"` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Shell Built-ins | Command | Description | |---|---| | `alias` | Creates or displays aliases for commands. Example: `alias la="ls -la"` | | `apropos` | Searches for commands by keyword in man pages. Example: `apropos search` | | `bg` | Resumes a suspended job in the background. | | `call` | Calls a shell function. Example: `call my_function` | | `clear` | Clears the terminal screen. | | `command` | Executes a command, bypassing aliases and functions. | | `echo` | Displays a line of text. Example: `echo "Hello, world!"` | | `env` | Displays or sets environment variables. Example: `env` or `env MY_VAR=value` | | `eval` | Evaluates arguments as a shell command. | | `exec` | Replaces the current shell with a command. | | `exit` | Exits the current shell. | | `export` | Sets environment variables. Example: `export MY_VAR=value` | | `expr` | Evaluates expressions. Example: `expr 5 + 2` | | `fg` | Brings a background job to the foreground. | | `getopts` | Parses command-line options. | | `hash` | Remembers the full path of commands. | | `help` | Displays help information about commands. Example: `help cd` | | `history` | Displays command history. | | `jobs` | Lists active jobs. | | `kill` | Sends a signal to a process. | | `printenv` | Prints environment variables. | | `read` | Reads a line from standard input. | | `rehash` | Recreates the hash table of commands. | | `return` | Exits a function. | | `set` | Sets shell options. | | `setenv` | Sets environment variables (csh style). | | `shift` | Shifts positional parameters. | | `sh` | Bourne shell interpreter. | | `sleep` | Pauses execution for a specified time. Example: `sleep 5` (pauses for 5 seconds) | | `source` | Executes a script in the current shell environment. Example: `source my_script.sh` | | `stty` | Sets terminal characteristics. Example: `stty -echo` (disables echoing input) | | `tee` | Reads from standard input, writes to standard output and files. Example: `command | tee output.txt` | | `test` | Evaluates an expression (similar to `[ ]`). | | `times` | Displays process times. | | `trap` | Catches signals. | | `true` | Returns true (exit status 0). | | `type` | Displays the type of a command. Example: `type ls` | | `ulimit` | Sets resource limits. | | `umask` | Sets the default file creation mask. | | `unalias` | Removes aliases. Example: `unalias la` | | `unset` | Unsets variables and functions. | | `unsetenv` | Unsets environment variables. Example: `unsetenv MY_VAR` | | `wait` | Waits for a process to complete. | | `whatis` | Displays one-line descriptions of commands. Example: `whatis ls` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Python Tools | Command | Description | |---|---| | `2to3` | Converts Python 2 code to Python 3. Example: `2to3 -w my_script.py` | | `2to3-3.11` | Converts Python 2 code to Python 3 (targeting Python 3.11). Example: `2to3-3.11 -w my_script.py` | | `bokeh` | Python interactive visualization library. Used to create interactive plots and visualizations. | | `corelist` | Lists core Python packages. | | `cython` | Optimizing static compiler for Python and the extended Cython programming language. Used to create C extensions for Python. | | `cythonize` | Compiles Cython code. Example: `cythonize my_module.pyx` | | `deactivate` | Deactivates a Python virtual environment. | | `docutils` | Python Documentation Utilities. Used to process reStructuredText and other documentation formats. | | `f2py` | Fortran to Python interface generator. Used to create Python interfaces for Fortran code. | | `f2py3` | Fortran to Python 3 interface generator. | | `f2py3.11` | Fortran to Python 3.11 interface generator. | | `idle3` | Starts the IDLE Python IDE. | | `idle3.11` | Starts the IDLE Python 3.11 IDE. | | `import` | Imports a Python module (within scripts). Example: `import math` | | `ipython` | Starts the IPython interactive shell. | | `ipython3` | Starts the IPython 3 interactive shell. | | `isympy` | Starts the SymPy console (symbolic mathematics in Python). | | `nltk` | Natural Language Toolkit for Python. Used for natural language processing tasks. | | `pip` | Python package installer. Example: `pip install requests` | | `pip3` | Python 3 package installer. Example: `pip3 install numpy` | | `pip3.10` | Python 3.10 package installer. | | `pip3.11` | Python 3.11 package installer. | | `pybabel` | Python internationalization library. Used for translating applications. | | `pybind11-config` | Configuration tool for pybind11 (C++ bindings for Python). | | `pydoc3` | Python 3 documentation tool. Example: `pydoc3 math` | | `pydoc3.11` | Python 3.11 documentation tool. | | `pyftmerge` | Merges font files (Python). Part of the `fonttools` library. | | `pyftsubset` | Creates subsets of font files (Python). Part of the `fonttools` library. | | `pygmentize` | Python syntax highlighter. Used to add syntax highlighting to code snippets. | | `pyjson5` | Python library for JSON5 (a superset of JSON). | | `pyproj` | Python library for cartographic projections and coordinate transformations. | | `python` | Python interpreter. Example: `python my_script.py` | | `python3` | Python 3 interpreter. Example: `python3 my_script.py` | | `python3-config` | Python 3 configuration tool. Used to determine compiler and linker flags for building Python extensions. | | `python3.11` | Python 3.11 interpreter. | | `python3.11-config` | Python 3.11 configuration tool. | | `python3.9` | Python 3.9 interpreter. | | `qtpy` | Abstraction layer for PyQt and PySide (Qt bindings for Python). Provides a consistent API for working with different Qt bindings. | | `tqdm` | Progress bar library for Python. Used to display progress bars for long-running operations. | | `versioneer` | Tool for managing versions in Python projects. Automates versioning tasks. | | `wheel` | Python wheel builder. Used to create wheel packages for distribution. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### TeX and Document Processing | Command | Description | |---|---| | `amstex` | Compiles LaTeX documents using the AMS-TeX package (provides additional mathematical symbols and formatting). | | `bibtex` | Formats bibliographies for LaTeX documents. Example: `bibtex my_document.aux` | | `cslatex` | Compiles LaTeX documents with Czech/Slovak support. | | `csplain` | Processes TeX documents with Czech/Slovak support. | | `dvilualatex` | Compiles LaTeX documents using LuaLaTeX and outputs a DVI file. | | `dviluatex` | Compiles LaTeX documents using LuaTeX and outputs a DVI file. | | `dvipdfmx` | Converts DVI files to PDF. Example: `dvipdfmx my_document.dvi` | | `eplain` | Processes TeX documents using the eplain format. | | `etex` | An extended version of TeX. | | `euptex` | Processes TeX documents with Japanese support (euptex). | | `fmtutil` | Generates TeX format files. Used to create new formats for TeX. | | `fmtutil-sys` | Generates TeX format files (system-wide). | | `jadetex` | Processes LaTeX documents using JadeTeX. | | `kpsewhich` | Locates TeX files. Example: `kpsewhich my_style.sty` | | `latex` | Compiles LaTeX documents. Example: `latex my_document.tex` | | `luahbtex` | Processes LaTeX documents using LuaHBTeX. | | `lualatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using LuaLaTeX. Example: `lualatex my_document.tex` | | `luatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using LuaTeX. | | `makeindex` | Generates indexes for LaTeX documents. Example: `makeindex my_document.idx` | | `mktexfmt` | Creates TeX format files. | | `mktexlsr` | Creates TeX font map files. | | `mllatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using MLTeX. | | `mltex` | Processes TeX documents using MLTeX. | | `pdfcslatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfcslatex (with Czech/Slovak support) and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdfcsplain` | Processes TeX documents using pdfcsplain (with Czech/Slovak support) and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdfetex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfeTeX and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdfjadetex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfJadeTeX and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdflatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfLaTeX and outputs a PDF file. Example: `pdflatex my_document.tex` | | `pdfmex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfmex and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdftex` | Processes TeX documents using pdfTeX and outputs a PDF file. | | `pdfxmltex` | Processes LaTeX documents using pdfxmltex and outputs a PDF file. | | `splain` | Processes TeX documents using splain. | | `tex` | Processes TeX documents. Example: `tex my_document.tex` | | `texlua` | Lua interpreter for TeX. | | `texluac` | Lua compiler for TeX. | | `texsis` | TeXsis formatting engine. | | `tlmgr` | TeX Live Manager. Used to manage TeX Live installations. | | `updmap` | Updates TeX font maps. | | `updmap-sys` | Updates TeX font maps (system-wide). | | `uplatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using upLaTeX (with Japanese support). | | `uptex` | Processes TeX documents using upTeX (with Japanese support). | | `xdvipdfmx` | Converts DVI files to PDF. | | `xelatex` | Processes LaTeX documents using XeLaTeX. Example: `xelatex my_document.tex` | | `xetex` | Processes TeX documents using XeTeX. | | `xmltex` | Processes TeX documents using xmltex. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Networking Tools | Command | Description | |---|---| | `curl` | Transfers data with URLs. Supports various protocols (HTTP, FTP, SFTP, etc.). Example: `curl https://www.example.com` | | `dig` | DNS lookup utility. Example: `dig example.com` | | `host` | Performs DNS lookups. Example: `host example.com` | | `httpx` | Modern HTTP client for Python. Used for making HTTP requests. | | `ifconfig` | Displays and configures network interfaces. Example: `ifconfig` | | `nc` | Netcat - network utility for reading/writing data across network connections. Example: `nc -l 8080` (listens on port 8080) | | `nslookup` | Queries DNS servers. Example: `nslookup example.com` | | `ping` | Tests network connectivity using ICMP echo requests. Example: `ping example.com` | | `ping6` | Tests IPv6 network connectivity. Example: `ping6 google.com` | | `rlogin` | Remote login. Example: `rlogin user@host` | | `scp` | Securely copies files between hosts. Example: `scp file.txt user@host:/path/to/destination` | | `sftp` | Secure File Transfer Protocol client. Example: `sftp user@host` | | `ssh` | Secure Shell client. Example: `ssh user@host` | | `ssh-add` | Adds SSH keys to the SSH agent. Example: `ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa` | | `ssh-agent` | SSH agent. Manages SSH keys. | | `ssh-copy-id` | Copies SSH keys to a remote server. Example: `ssh-copy-id user@host` | | `ssh-keygen` | Generates SSH keys. Example: `ssh-keygen -t rsa` | | `telnet` | Telnet client. Example: `telnet host` | | `whois` | Retrieves domain registration information. Example: `whois example.com` | | `wol` | Wake-on-LAN tool. Used to wake up computers remotely. | | `wsdump` | Dumps WebSocket traffic. Used for debugging WebSocket connections. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Development Tools | Command | Description | |---|---| | `ctags.wasm3` | Generates an index (tags file) of language objects found in source files (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `clang` | C language compiler. Example: `clang my_program.c -o my_program` | | `clang++` | C++ compiler. Example: `clang++ my_program.cpp -o my_program` | | `cygdb` | Debugger for Cython code. | | `file.wasm3` | Determines file type (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `ld` | The GNU linker. Example: `ld -o my_program my_object_file.o` | | `ld.lld` | The LLVM linker. | | `ld64.lld` | The LLVM linker (64-bit). | | `lex` | Lexical analyzer generator. Used to create lexers for compilers and interpreters. | | `link` | Creates hard links between files. Example: `link original_file linked_file` | | `llc` | LLVM static compiler. | | `lld` | LLVM linker. | | `lld-link` | LLVM linker (alternative command). | | `lli` | LLVM interpreter. | | `llvm-dis` | LLVM disassembler. | | `llvm-link` | LLVM linker. | | `make` | Automates software build processes. Example: `make` | | `mktemp.wasm3` | Creates temporary files (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `meson` | Meson build system. A modern build system for C/C++ and other languages. | | `opt` | Compiler optimization options (LLVM). | | `ranlib` | Generates or updates index for static libraries. Example: `ranlib my_library.a` | | `readtags.wasm3` | Reads ctags output (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `tree.wasm3` | Displays a tree view of directories (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `wamr` | WebAssembly runtime. | | `wasm` | WebAssembly tool. | | `wasm-ld` | WebAssembly linker. | | `wasm3` | WebAssembly interpreter. | | `wasmer` | WebAssembly runtime. | | `xz.wasm3` | XZ compressor (compiled to WebAssembly). | | `xzdec.wasm3` | XZ decompressor (compiled to WebAssembly). | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Compression and Archiving | Command | Description | |---|---| | `ar` | Creates, modifies, and extracts from archives (static libraries). Example: `ar rcs my_library.a object_file1.o object_file2.o` | | `compress` | Compresses files using Lempel-Ziv coding. Example: `compress file.txt` (creates file.txt.Z) | | `gunzip` | Decompresses gzip files. Example: `gunzip file.txt.gz` | | `gzip` | Compresses files using gzip. Example: `gzip file.txt` (creates file.txt.gz) | | `ptar` | Parallel tar (may offer improved performance for large archives). Example: `ptar -cvf archive.tar files/` | | `ptardiff` | Compares tar archives. | | `ptargrep` | Searches within tar archives. | | `tar` | Creates and manipulates archive files. Example: `tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2 directory/` | | `uncompress` | Decompresses files compressed with `compress`. Example: `uncompress file.txt.Z` | | `unrar` | Extracts RAR archives. Example: `unrar x archive.rar` | | `xz` | XZ compression utility. Example: `xz file.txt` (creates file.txt.xz) | | `z` | Compresses files (same as `compress`). | | `zip` | Creates zip archives. Example: `zip archive.zip file1 file2 directory/` | | `zipdetails` | Shows details of zip archives. Example: `zipdetails archive.zip` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### System Information | Command | Description | |—|—| | `date` | Displays current date and time. Example: `date` | | `distro` | Displays Linux distribution information (may not be fully functional on iOS). | | `id` | Displays user and group IDs. Example: `id` | | `sw_vers` | Displays macOS software version information (may not be applicable on all iOS versions). | | `uname` | Displays system information. Example: `uname -a` | | `uptime` | Displays system uptime. Example: `uptime` | | `whoami` | Displays current username. Example: `whoami` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“web-browsers”></a>Web Browsers | Command | Description | |—|—| | `brave` | Opens the Brave web browser (if installed). | | `firefox` | Opens the Firefox web browser (if installed). | | `googlechrome` | Opens the Google Chrome web browser (if installed). | | `opera` | Opens the Opera web browser (if installed). | | `safari` | Opens the Safari web browser (if installed). | | `yandexbrowser` | Opens the Yandex browser (if installed). | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“a-shell-commands”></a>a-Shell Specific Commands | Command | Description | |—|—| | `bookmark` | Bookmarks the current directory. Example: `bookmark my_project` | | `config` | Configures a-Shell settings. Opens the a-Shell settings interface. | | `deletemark` | Deletes a bookmark. Example: `deletemark my_project` | | `downloadFile` | Downloads a file using `curl`. Example: `downloadFile https://www.example.com/file.txt` | | `downloadFolder` | Downloads a folder/directory. Example: `downloadFolder https://www.example.com/my_folder/` | | `hideKeyboard` | Hides the on-screen keyboard. | | `hideToolbar` | Hides the a-Shell toolbar. | | `internalbrowser` | Opens the internal web browser. Opens a web browser within the a-Shell app. | | `isForeground` | Checks if a-Shell is currently in the foreground. Returns true or false. | | `jump` | Jumps to a bookmarked directory. Example: `jump my_project` | | `keepDirectoryAfterShortcut` | Keeps the current directory after running a shortcut. Prevents the directory from changing after a shortcut execution. | | `newWindow` | Opens a new a-Shell window. | | `open` | Opens files or URLs. Example: `open file.txt` or `open https://www.example.com` | | `openurl` | Opens a URL. Example: `openurl https://www.example.com` | | `pickFolder` | Opens a file picker to select a folder. Allows the user to interactively choose a folder. | | `pkg` | Installs a-Shell packages. Example: `pkg install git` | | `renamemark` | Renames a bookmark. Example: `renamemark old_name new_name` | | `showmarks` | Shows saved bookmarks. Lists all currently saved bookmarks. | | `showToolbar` | Shows the a-Shell toolbar. | | `stream` | Streams data to a command. Pipes data to a command’s standard input. | | `streamzip` | Streams a zip archive. Streams the contents of a zip archive to another command. | | `updateCommands` | Updates a-Shell commands. Checks for and installs updates to the available commands. | | `view` | Views files (may open in a default viewer). Example: `view image.jpg` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“multimedia”></a>Multimedia & Audio/Video | Command | Description | |—|—| | `ffmpeg` | Command-line tool for manipulating video and audio. Example: `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.webm` | | `ffprobe` | Command-line tool to analyze multimedia streams. Example: `ffprobe input.mp4` | | `play` | Plays media files. Example: `play music.mp3` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“image-processing”></a>Image Processing & Manipulation | Command | Description | |—|—| | `compare` | Compares two images (ImageMagick). Example: `compare image1.jpg image2.jpg difference.png` | | `composite` | Combines images (ImageMagick). Example: `composite image1.png image2.png -gravity center output.png` | | `convert` | Converts images between formats (ImageMagick). Example: `convert image.jpg image.png` | | `fits2bitmap` | Converts FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) astronomical image files to bitmaps. | | `fitscheck` | Checks the integrity of FITS files. | | `fitsdiff` | Compares FITS files. | | `fitsheader` | Displays the header of a FITS file. | | `fitsinfo` | Displays information about a FITS file. | | `identify` | Identifies image properties (ImageMagick). Example: `identify image.jpg` | | `magick-script` | ImageMagick scripting interface. | | `mogrify` | Modifies images in-place (ImageMagick). Example: `mogrify -resize 50% image.jpg` | | `montage` | Creates composite images from multiple images (ImageMagick). Example: `montage image1.jpg image2.jpg image3.jpg output.png` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“version-control”></a>Version Control | Command | Description | |—|—| | `lg2` | Git-like version control system optimized for size. Provides basic version control functionality. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“other”></a>Other Commands/Utilities | Command | Description | |—|—| | `blink` | Makes text blink (may not be supported in all terminals). | | `cowsay` | Makes a cow say things (ASCII art). Example: `cowsay “Hello”` | | `dash` | Documentation browser. Provides access to documentation for various commands and libraries. | | `ebong` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `fonttools` | Python library for manipulating font files. Used for font processing tasks. | | `l4p-tmpl` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `libnetcfg` | Network configuration library (macOS/Unix). | | `mandoc` | Formats and displays manual pages. Example: `mandoc manpage.1` | | `mandocdb` | Creates and manages a manual page database. | | `mercantile` | Command-line interface for working with map tiles. Used for geospatial data processing. | | `samp_hub` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `say` | Speaks text aloud (text-to-speech). Example: `say “Hello”` | | `showtable` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `task` | Task management (a-Shell specific?). May provide task management features within a-Shell. | | `ttx` | Tool for working with TrueType fonts. Used for font conversion and manipulation. | | `volint` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `wcslint` | Purpose unclear (non-standard command). | | `xcode-select` | Manages Xcode installations (macOS). Used to switch between different Xcode versions. | | `xxd` | Creates a hex dump of a file. Example: `xxd file.txt` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“javascript-json”></a>JavaScript & JSON Processing | Command | Description | |—|—| | `jq` | Command-line JSON processor. Example: `jq ‘.name’` data.json (extracts the value of the “name” field) | | `jsc` | JavaScript interpreter (JavaScriptCore). Example: `jsc my_script.js` | | `jsc_core` | JavaScriptCore interpreter. | | `jsi` | JavaScript interpreter. | | `json_pp` | Pretty-prints JSON data. Example: `echo ‘{“name”:”John”, “age”:30}’ | json_pp` | | `jsonpointer` | JSON Pointer query tool. Used to extract specific values from JSON data using JSON Pointers. | | `jsonschema` | JSON Schema validation tool. Used to validate JSON data against a JSON Schema. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“machine-learning”></a>Machine Learning | Command | Description | |—|—| | `jlpm` | Julia package manager (may have limited functionality within a-Shell). Used to manage Julia packages. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“geospatial”></a>GeoSpatial | Command | Description | |—|—| | `rio` | Command-line interface for rasterio (geospatial data processing). Used to process geospatial raster data. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“font-management”></a>Font Management | Command | Description | |—|—| | `pyftmerge` | Merges font files (Python). Part of the `fonttools` library. | | `pyftsubset` | Creates subsets of font files (Python). Part of the `fonttools` library. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“security”></a>Security | Command | Description | |—|—| | `ssh-add` | Adds SSH keys to the SSH agent. | | `ssh-agent` | SSH agent. | | `ssh-copy-id` | Copies SSH keys to a remote server. | | `ssh-keygen` | Generates SSH keys. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“clipboard”></a>Clipboard | Command | Description | |—|—| | `pbcopy` | Copies data to the system clipboard. Example: `echo “text to copy” | pbcopy` | | `pbpaste` | Pastes data from the system clipboard. Example: `pbpaste` | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“benchmarking”></a>Benchmarking | Command | Description | |—|—| | `fio` | Flexible I/O tester. Used to benchmark storage performance. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### <a name=“documentation”></a>Documentation | Command | Description | |---|---| | `man` | Displays manual pages for commands. Example: `man ls` | | `perldoc` | Displays Perl documentation. | | `pydoc3` | Python 3 documentation tool. | | `pydoc3.11` | Python 3.11 documentation tool. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### MATLAB/Octave | Command | Description | |---|---| | `mex` | MATLAB executable. | | `utf8mex` | MATLAB utility for UTF-8 encoding. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Build Systems | Command | Description | |---|---| | `make` | Automates software build processes. | | `meson` | Meson build system. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### WebAssembly | Command | Description | |---|---| | `wamr` | WebAssembly runtime. | | `wasm` | WebAssembly tool. | | `wasm-ld` | WebAssembly linker. | | `wasm3` | WebAssembly interpreter. | | `wasmer` | WebAssembly runtime. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Perl | Command | Description | |---|---| | `cpan` | Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) module installer. | | `enc2xs` | Converts encoded Perl scripts to XS. | | `encguess` | Guesses file encoding (often used with Perl). | | `h2ph` | Converts C header files to Perl header files. | | `h2xs` | Converts C header files to Perl extensions. | | `instmodsh` | Installs Perl modules. | | `perl` | Perl interpreter. | | `perl5` | Perl 5 interpreter. | | `perlbug` | Reports Perl bugs. | | `perldoc` | Displays Perl documentation. | | `perlivp` | Perl interactive version pragma. | | `pl2pm` | Converts Perl libraries to modules. | | `pod2html` | Converts POD (Plain Old Documentation) to HTML. | | `prove` | Runs Perl tests. | | `xsubpp` | Converts XS code to C. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Lua | Command | Description | |---|---| | `lua` | Lua interpreter. Example: `lua my_script.lua` | | `luac` | Lua compiler. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Ruby (If installed) | Command | Description | |---|---| | `irb` | Interactive Ruby Shell. | | `rake` | Ruby build tool (similar to Make). | | `gem` | RubyGems package manager. | | `ruby` | Ruby interpreter. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### PHP (If installed) | Command | Description | |---|---| | `php` | PHP interpreter. | | `composer` | PHP dependency manager. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### R (If installed) | Command | Description | |---|---| | `R` | R interpreter. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Text Editors | Command | Description | |---|---| | `ed` | Line-oriented text editor. | | `nano` | Text editor (if installed). | | `pico` | Simple text editor. | | `vim` | Vim text editor. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents) ### Jupyter | Command | Description | |---|---| | `jupyter` | Jupyter command-line interface. Provides a command-line interface for managing Jupyter notebooks and other Jupyter components. | | `jupyter-bundlerextension` | Manages Jupyter bundler extensions. Used to install and manage extensions for Jupyter bundlers. | | `jupyter-console` | Jupyter console. Provides a terminal-based console for interacting with Jupyter kernels. | | `jupyter-contrib` | Jupyter contrib tools. A collection of community-contributed tools and extensions for Jupyter. | | `jupyter-dejavu` | Jupyter DejaVu extension. Provides tools for exploring and visualizing code execution history. | | `jupyter-events` | Jupyter events tools. Used to manage and process Jupyter events. | | `jupyter-execute` | Jupyter execute tools. Used to execute code in Jupyter notebooks and other Jupyter environments. | | `jupyter-kernel` | Manages Jupyter kernels. Used to install, list, and manage Jupyter kernels for different programming languages. | | `jupyter-kernelspec` | Manages Jupyter kernel specifications. Used to manage the specifications that define Jupyter kernels. | | `jupyter-lab` | JupyterLab interface. Provides a web-based user interface for working with Jupyter notebooks, code, and data. | | `jupyter-labextension` | Manages JupyterLab extensions. Used to install and manage extensions for JupyterLab. | | `jupyter-labhub` | JupyterLab hub tools. Used to manage and configure JupyterLab hubs. | | `jupyter-migrate` | Migrates Jupyter notebooks. Used to migrate notebooks to newer versions of Jupyter. | | `jupyter-nbclassic` | Jupyter Notebook classic interface. Provides the classic web-based interface for Jupyter notebooks. | | `jupyter-nbclassic-bundlerextension` | Manages Jupyter Notebook classic bundler extensions. | | `jupyter-nbclassic-extension` | Manages Jupyter Notebook classic extensions. | | `jupyter-nbclassic-serverextension` | Manages Jupyter Notebook classic server extensions. | | `jupyter-nbconvert` | Converts Jupyter notebooks to other formats (e.g., HTML, PDF, Markdown). Example: `jupyter nbconvert --to html my_notebook.ipynb` | | `jupyter-nbextension` | Manages Jupyter Notebook extensions. Used to install and manage extensions for Jupyter Notebook. | | `jupyter-nbextensions_configurator` | Configures Jupyter Notebook extensions. Provides a graphical interface for configuring Jupyter Notebook extensions. | | `jupyter-notebook` | Jupyter Notebook interface. Starts the Jupyter Notebook server. | | `jupyter-qtconsole` | Jupyter Qt console. Provides a Qt-based console for interacting with Jupyter kernels. | | `jupyter-run` | Runs Jupyter notebooks. Executes the code in a Jupyter notebook. | | `jupyter-server` | Jupyter server tools. Used to manage and configure Jupyter servers. | | `jupyter-serverextension` | Manages Jupyter server extensions. Used to install and manage extensions for Jupyter servers. | | `jupyter-troubleshoot` | Jupyter troubleshooting tools. Provides tools for troubleshooting Jupyter installations and issues. | | `jupyter-trust` | Manages trusted Jupyter notebooks. Used to mark notebooks as trusted to allow execution of potentially unsafe code. | [Back to Top](#table-of-contents)
URL: https://ib.bsb.br/a-shell-command-reference-guide