Building a File Storage Service with Cloudflare Workers and R2

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How to create a file storage service that handles multiple file types using Cloudflare Workers for the RESTful API and Cloudflare R2 for storage. This implementation allows secure uploading, retrieving, and deleting of files.


The goal is to build a self-hosted file storage solution (图床) that leverages Cloudflare Workers and R2, inspired by the tutorials:

This service will:

  • Support multiple file types (images, documents, etc.).
  • Use Cloudflare R2 for object storage.
  • Provide a RESTful API for file operations.
  • Include basic authentication for secure access.


Below is the Cloudflare Worker script with explanations and comments.

// Cloudflare Worker Script for File Storage Service export default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { return await handleRequest(request, env); }, }; /** * Handles incoming requests and routes them based on the HTTP method. * @param {Request} request - The incoming HTTP request. * @param {Object} env - Environment bindings (e.g., R2 bucket). */ async function handleRequest(request, env) { // Parse the URL to get the file path const url = new URL(request.url); const filePath = decodeURIComponent(url.pathname.slice(1)); // Remove leading '/' // Authentication for write operations const AUTH_KEY = env.AUTH_KEY_SECRET; const method = request.method.toUpperCase(); if (['PUT', 'DELETE'].includes(method)) { const authHeader = request.headers.get('X-Custom-Auth-Key'); if (authHeader !== AUTH_KEY) { return new Response('Forbidden', { status: 403 }); } } switch (method) { case 'PUT': // Handle file upload return await uploadFile(request, env, filePath); case 'GET': // Handle file retrieval return await getFile(env, filePath); case 'DELETE': // Handle file deletion return await deleteFile(env, filePath); default: return new Response('Method Not Allowed', { status: 405, headers: { Allow: 'GET, PUT, DELETE' }, }); } } /** * Uploads a file to the R2 bucket. * @param {Request} request - The incoming HTTP request. * @param {Object} env - Environment bindings. * @param {string} key - The file path in the bucket. */ async function uploadFile(request, env, key) { // Optional: Validate file size, type, etc. // Save the file to R2 const contentType = request.headers.get('Content-Type') || 'application/octet-stream'; await env.MY_BUCKET.put(key, request.body, { httpMetadata: { contentType }, // Optional: Set cache control httpMetadata: { cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000' }, }); return new Response(`File '${key}' uploaded successfully`, { status: 200 }); } /** * Retrieves a file from the R2 bucket. * @param {Object} env - Environment bindings. * @param {string} key - The file path in the bucket. */ async function getFile(env, key) { const object = await env.MY_BUCKET.get(key); if (!object) { return new Response('File Not Found', { status: 404 }); } // Return the file with appropriate headers const headers = new Headers(); object.writeHttpMetadata(headers); headers.set('ETag', object.httpEtag); return new Response(object.body, { headers }); } /** * Deletes a file from the R2 bucket. * @param {Object} env - Environment bindings. * @param {string} key - The file path in the bucket. */ async function deleteFile(env, key) { await env.MY_BUCKET.delete(key); return new Response(`File '${key}' deleted successfully`, { status: 200 }); }

#Setup Instructions

#1. Create an R2 Bucket

  • Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard.
  • Navigate to R2 and create a new bucket (e.g., my-file-storage).

#2. Write the Worker Script

  • Use the script provided above.
  • Save it in your Cloudflare Workers dashboard or use the Wrangler CLI.

#3. Bind the R2 Bucket to the Worker

  • In your Worker settings, go to Variables > R2 Buckets.
  • Bind the MY_BUCKET variable to your R2 bucket (my-file-storage).

#4. Set the Authentication Key

  • In Variables > Environment Variables, add AUTH_KEY_SECRET with a secure value (your secret key).

#5. Deploy the Worker

  • Assign a route or domain to your Worker (e.g.,
  • Deploy the Worker.

#Usage Examples

#Uploading a File

curl -X PUT '' \ -H 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \ -H 'X-Custom-Auth-Key: your_auth_key' \ --data-binary '@local/path/to/file.jpg'

#Retrieving a File

curl -X GET '' --output file.jpg

#Deleting a File

curl -X DELETE '' \ -H 'X-Custom-Auth-Key: your_auth_key'

#Notes and Considerations

  • Supported File Types:

    • All file types are supported. Ensure the Content-Type is correctly set when uploading.
  • Authentication:

    • Only PUT and DELETE requests require the X-Custom-Auth-Key header.
    • GET requests are public. Implement additional checks if you need to restrict access.
  • Caching:

    • The Cache-Control header is set for one year (max-age=31536000).
    • Adjust caching policies as needed.
  • Error Handling:

    • The script provides basic error responses.
    • Expand error handling for production use.
  • Limits:

    • Cloudflare Workers have limits on request size, CPU time, etc.
    • For large files, consider using direct uploads to R2 or multipart uploads.