[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Function to adjust heading levels
function Adjust-Headings {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content)) {
return ''
$lines = $content -split "`n"
$adjustedLines = foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ($line -match '^(#{1,6})') {
$hashes = $Matches[1]
$newLevel = [Math]::Min($hashes.Length + $levelOffset, 6)
$restOfLine = $line.Substring($hashes.Length)
('#' * $newLevel) + $restOfLine
} else {
return ($adjustedLines -join "`n")
# Function to process topics recursively
function Process-Topic {
$output = ""
try {
# Sanitize the title to remove markdown formatting
$title = $topic.title -replace '^[#*\-\s]*', '' # Remove leading #, *, -, spaces
$title = $title.Trim('*').Trim() # Remove asterisks and extra spaces
# Create the heading for the topic
$headingHashes = '#' * $headingLevel
$output += "`n$headingHashes $title`n`n"
$content = $topic.content
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content)) {
$adjustedContent = '' # Set to empty string if content is null or empty
else {
# Adjust content headings
$adjustedContent = Adjust-Headings -content $content -levelOffset ($headingLevel - 1)
$output += $adjustedContent + "`n"
# Process children recursively
if ($topic.children -and $topic.children.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($child in $topic.children) {
$childOutput = Process-Topic -topic $child -headingLevel ($headingLevel + 1)
$output += $childOutput
catch {
Write-Error "Error processing topic '$($topic.title)': $_"
return $output
# Main script execution
try {
# Read the JSON data
$JsonData = Get-Content -Raw -Path $JsonFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json
# Initialize output content
$markdownContent = ""
# Create front matter
$frontMatter = "---`n"
$frontMatter += "title: '$($'`n"
$frontMatter += "layout: default`n"
$frontMatter += "---`n`n"
$markdownContent += $frontMatter
# Include keyTopics if available
if ($JsonData.keyTopics) {
$keyTopicsContent = Adjust-Headings -content $JsonData.keyTopics -levelOffset 0
$markdownContent += $keyTopicsContent + "`n"
# Process chapters
$chapters = $JsonData.chapters
foreach ($chapter in $chapters) {
# Sanitize chapter name
$chapterName = $ -replace '^[#*\-\s]*', '' # Remove leading #, *, -, spaces
$chapterName = $chapterName.Trim('*').Trim() # Remove asterisks and extra spaces
$markdownContent += "`n## $chapterName`n`n"
# Adjust headings in chapter content if needed (if chapter has content)
if ($chapter.content) {
$adjustedChapterContent = Adjust-Headings -content $chapter.content -levelOffset 1
$markdownContent += $adjustedChapterContent + "`n"
# Process topics within the chapter
if ($chapter.topics) {
foreach ($topic in $chapter.topics) {
$topicOutput = Process-Topic -topic $topic -headingLevel 3
$markdownContent += $topicOutput
# Write the combined markdown content to the output file
Set-Content -Path $OutputMarkdownPath -Value $markdownContent -Encoding UTF8
Write-Host "Markdown file has been created at $OutputMarkdownPath"
catch {
Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"