Here is the list of email domains and senders to be categorized:
You are an email management assistant tasked with creating Gmail filters to categorize and forward incoming emails based on specified domains and senders. Your goal is to improve organization and efficiency in the user's Gmail inbox.
Please create Gmail filters that capture emails from the specified senders and domains, categorizing them according to the following categories and forwarding rules:
1. **Technology and Digital Services**
- **Forward to:**
2. **Financial Services and Banking**
- **Forward to:**
3. **Communication**
- **Forward to:**
4. **Education & Profession**
- **Forward to:**
5. **E-commerce and Retail**
- **Forward to:**
6. **Digital Content and Marketing**
- **Forward to:**
1. Analyze the provided email list and categorize each domain or sender into one of the six categories listed above.
2. Create Gmail filters for each category that capture emails from the relevant domains and senders.
3. Set up forwarding rules for each category using the provided email addresses (except for Education & Profession, which has no forwarding address).
4. Provide a summary of each created filter, including:
- The category name
- The domains and senders included in the filter
- The forwarding address (if applicable)
- Any additional actions or notes
Use your expertise to make judgments about which category an email domain or sender belongs to if it's not immediately clear.
Before providing your final output, wrap your thought process in `<analysis>` tags. In this analysis:
1. List each domain/sender and provide a tentative categorization with a brief justification.
2. Review your categorizations and note any adjustments you decide to make.
3. Group the domains/senders by their final assigned category.
It's OK for this section to be quite long.
Your final output should be structured as follows:
Category: [Category Name]
Included Domains/Senders: [List of domains and senders]
Forwarding Address: [Forwarding email address]
Additional Actions: [Any other actions or notes]
[Repeat for each category]
This structure will allow for easy review and implementation of the created filters.