iPhone: files2zip & zip2clipboard

Slug: iphone-files2zip-zip2clipboard

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iPhone: 1) Make a zip file with the desired contents;

2) Run the shortcut and select that zip file;

3) The desired contents now are in the clipboard.

#Script 1: ftz.py

This script is designed to handle and process files in a specific directory. Here’s a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Logging Setup: The script sets up logging to record events and errors in a log file located at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5A3A90C0-A077-4A2C-80A6-0DF006769AC6/Documents/script.log.

  2. Extracting Archives: The extract_archive function can extract files from different types of compressed archives like .zip, .tar, .gz, and .bz2. If the archive format is not supported, it logs a warning.

  3. Processing Files: The process_files function goes through all files in a given directory:
    • If it finds a .rar file, it moves it to a special folder called CAT-RAR.
    • For other files, it tries to extract them if they are in a supported archive format.
  4. Moving Files to CAT Folder: The move_to_cat_folder function moves all files and folders (except CAT and CAT-RAR) into a new folder called CAT.

  5. Main Execution: When you run the script, it expects a directory path as an argument. It processes the files in that directory and organizes them into the CAT and CAT-RAR folders.

#Script 2: ftp.py

This script is a simple command-line tool that uses the click library to handle command-line arguments. Here’s what it does:

  1. Command-Line Interface: The script defines a command-line interface using click. It expects a single argument, file_path.

  2. Subprocess Call: When you run the script with a file path, it uses the subprocess module to call an external command files-to-prompt with the provided file path. It captures the output and prints it.

  3. Error Handling: If the external command fails, it catches the error and prints an error message.

#How to Use These Scripts

  1. Running ftz.py:
    • Open a terminal.
    • Run the script with a directory path: python ftz.py /path/to/directory.
    • The script will process the files in the directory, extract archives, move .rar files to CAT-RAR, and move everything else to CAT.
  2. Running ftp.py:
    • Open a terminal.
    • Run the script with a file path: python ftp.py /path/to/file.
    • The script will call the files-to-prompt command with the provided file path and print the result.


import os import shutil import zipfile import tarfile import gzip import bz2 import sys import logging from pathlib import Path # Set up logging log_file_path = '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5A3A90C0-A077-4A2C-80A6-0DF006769AC6/Documents/script.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file_path, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') def extract_archive(archive_path, extract_dir): """Extracts files from various archive formats.""" logging.info(f'Starting extraction for: {archive_path}') try: if zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_path): with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(extract_dir) elif tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_path): with tarfile.open(archive_path, 'r') as tar_ref: tar_ref.extractall(extract_dir) elif archive_path.endswith('.gz') and not tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_path): with gzip.open(archive_path, 'rb') as gz_file: with open(archive_path[:-3], 'wb') as output_file: # Remove .gz extension shutil.copyfileobj(gz_file, output_file) elif archive_path.endswith('.bz2') and not tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_path): with bz2.open(archive_path, 'rb') as bz2_file: with open(archive_path[:-4], 'wb') as output_file: # Remove .bz2 extension shutil.copyfileobj(bz2_file, output_file) else: logging.warning(f'Unsupported archive format: {archive_path}') print(f"Unsupported archive format: {archive_path}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Failed to extract {archive_path}: {e}', exc_info=True) print(f"Failed to extract {archive_path}: {e}") def process_files(root_path, rar_folder): """Recursively processes files and folders, extracting archives and moving RAR files.""" logging.info(f'Starting to process files in: {root_path}') for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(root_path): for filename in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): if file_path.endswith('.rar'): destination_path = os.path.join(rar_folder, filename) try: shutil.move(file_path, destination_path) logging.info(f'Moved RAR file {file_path} to {destination_path}') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Failed to move {file_path} to {destination_path}: {e}', exc_info=True) print(f"Failed to move {file_path}: {e}") else: extract_archive(file_path, dirpath) def move_to_cat_folder(root_path): """Moves all files and folders to a new 'CAT' folder at the same level as the root path.""" logging.info(f'Starting to move files to CAT folder from: {root_path}') root_path = Path(root_path).resolve() cat_folder_path = root_path / 'CAT' # Create 'CAT' folder at the same level cat_folder_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for item in root_path.iterdir(): if item.name in ['CAT', 'CAT-RAR']: continue destination_path = cat_folder_path / item.name try: shutil.move(str(item), destination_path) logging.info(f'Moved {item} to {destination_path}') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'Failed to move {item} to {destination_path}: {e}', exc_info=True) print(f"Failed to move {item}: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python script.py <path>") logging.error('Incorrect usage. Path not provided.') sys.exit(1) target_path = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(target_path): logging.info(f'Processing started for path: {target_path}') rar_folder_path = os.path.join(target_path, 'CAT-RAR') os.makedirs(rar_folder_path, exist_ok=True) process_files(target_path, rar_folder_path) move_to_cat_folder(target_path) print("Processing and moving completed!") logging.info('Processing completed successfully.') else: print(f"The path {target_path} does not exist.") logging.error(f'The path {target_path} does not exist.')

/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5A3A90C0-A077-4A2C-80A6-0DF006769AC6/Documents/backup/CAT/ftp.py —

import subprocess import click @click.command() @click.argument('file_path') def main(file_path): # Use subprocess to call the files-to-prompt command try: result = subprocess.run(['files-to-prompt', file_path], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) print(result.stdout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e.stderr}") if __name__ == '__main__': main()

URL: https://ib.bsb.br/iphone-files2zip-zip2clipboard