import json
from datetime import datetime
def sort_json_by_datetime(json_data):
Sorts a list of JSON objects based on their datetime information.
json_data: A list of JSON objects, each containing a "content" field
with datetime information and potentially a "children" field
for nested objects.
A new list of JSON objects sorted by datetime.
def extract_datetime(item):
Extracts the datetime string from the "content" field of a JSON object,
parses it into a datetime object, and handles potential errors.
content = item["content"]
parts = content.split("```\n") # Split by "```\n"
if len(parts) > 1:
datetime_str = parts[1].strip() # Get the part after the delimiter
datetime_obj = datetime.strptime(datetime_str, "%d/%m/%y, %H:%M")
return datetime_obj
except ValueError:
return datetime.min
return datetime.min # Handle cases where delimiter is not found.
def sort_recursive(data):
Recursively sorts the list and its children based on datetime,
handling errors gracefully.
# Sort the current level using the extracted datetime or datetime.min for errors
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda item: extract_datetime(item))
# Recursively sort children
for item in sorted_data:
if "children" in item and item["children"]:
item["children"] = sort_recursive(item["children"])
return sorted_data
return sort_recursive(json_data)
# Example Usage (assuming json_data is already loaded)
# sorted_data = sort_json_by_datetime(json_data)
# print(json.dumps(sorted_data, indent=2))