CRAIG, William Lane. Filosofia E Cosmovisão Cristã - 2ª Ed. Ampliada E Revisada
CRAIG, William Lane. In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration
ENGELS, Friedrich. Dialética da natureza. Boitempo Editorial, 2020.
FILONOV, Sergey. 20 Questions & Answers About Dry Fasting: A Complete Guide To Dry Fasting. 2021.
FILONOV, Sergey. Before Dry Fasting. 2020.
GOLDINGAY, John. Teologia Bíblica: o Deus das Escrituras cristã
KLASS, David. Grandmaster: a novel.
KRAAI, Jesse. Lisa: a chess novel.
NABOKOV, Vladimir. The Luzhin Defense. Penguin UK, 2012.
NEVILLE, Katherine. The eight. Open Road Media, 2015.
PROUST, Marcel. Em busca do tempo perdido.
TEVIS, Walter. The Queen’s Gambit.
VON GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang. Goethe’s Faust. Chatterton-Peck, 1880.
ZWEIG, Stefan. Chess story. New York Review of Books, 2011.
Reference: CRAIG, William Lane. Filosofia E Cosmovisão Cristã - 2ª Ed. Ampliada E Revisada CRAIG, William Lane. In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration ENGELS, Friedrich. Dialética da natureza. Boitempo Editorial, 2020. FILONOV, Sergey. 20 Questions & Answers About Dry Fasting: A Complete Guide To Dry Fasting. 2021. FILONOV, Sergey. Before Dry Fasting. 2020. GOLDINGAY, John. Teologia Bíblica: o Deus das Escrituras cristã KLASS, David. Grandmaster: a novel. KRAAI, Jesse. Lisa: a chess novel. NABOKOV, Vladimir. The Luzhin Defense. Penguin UK, 2012. NEVILLE, Katherine. The eight. Open Road Media, 2015. PROUST, Marcel. Em busca do tempo perdido. TEVIS, Walter. The Queen’s Gambit. VON GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang. Goethe’s Faust. Chatterton-Peck, 1880. ZWEIG, Stefan. Chess story. New York Review of Books, 2011.