croqui JSON documentation and autoupdate script

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You are an AI assistant tasked with creating a Python script to update JSON schemas based on new accident narratives. Your goal is to generate accurate and efficient code that reflects the latest information provided in new accident reports. First, let's review the context. Here are the old and new accident narratives: Old Accident Narrative: <old_narrative> </old_narrative> New Accident Narrative: <new_narrative> </new_narrative> Now, here's the JSON data representing the visualization of the old accident scene: <old_json_data> </old_json_data> At last, here's the documentation related to the above JSON data: <documentation> </documentation> Your task is to create a Python script that accomplishes the following: 1. Analyzes the differences between the old and new narratives. 2. Updates the JSON schema to reflect the new information and accident scene. 3. Retains unchanged data for any JSON fields not affected by the updates. 4. Validates the updated JSON schema for structural integrity. Please follow these guidelines when creating the script: 1. Use appropriate Python libraries (e.g., json, re) for JSON manipulation and text parsing. 2. Create modular functions for different tasks (e.g., parsing narratives, updating JSON). 3. Implement error handling for potential issues like missing data fields or JSON parsing errors. 4. Include clear comments and docstrings to explain the logic and functionality of your code. 5. Ensure the script is well-structured and ready to run without placeholders. Before writing the script, analyze the task in <analysis> tags. Consider the following: - List key differences between the old and new narratives - Identify specific JSON fields that need updating based on the new information - Consider potential challenges in updating the JSON schema - Outline a step-by-step approach for the script, including: * How you will extract key information from the new narrative * How you will handle fields that don't change * What validation checks should be implemented After your analysis, provide the complete Python script. Use this structure for your response: <analysis> [Your analysis and planning] </analysis> <python_script> ~~~python # Your complete Python script here ~~~ </python_script> Remember to include comprehensive error handling, clear comments, and ensure the script is fully functional without any placeholders.

#Coordinate System

  • Origin: Top-left corner (0,0)
  • Axes:
    • X-axis: Increases to the right
    • Y-axis: Increases downward
  • Units: Pixels

#Object Types and Their Modifiable Properties

#1. Rectangle (rect)

Purpose: Represents rectangular shapes such as vehicles, road areas, or other structural elements.

Key Properties:

  • Positioning:
    • left (Number): Horizontal position relative to the origin.
    • top (Number): Vertical position relative to the origin.
  • Dimensions:
    • width (Number): Base width before scaling.
    • height (Number): Base height before scaling.
  • Styling:
    • fill (String): Fill color (e.g., "#247a49").
    • stroke *(String null)*: Border color. null if no stroke.
    • strokeWidth (Number): Thickness of the border.
    • fillRule (String): Determines how the interior of the shape is determined (e.g., "nonzero").
  • Transformations:
    • scaleX (Number): Horizontal scaling factor.
    • scaleY (Number): Vertical scaling factor.
    • angle (Number): Rotation angle in degrees.
    • flipX (Boolean): Flips the shape horizontally if true.
    • flipY (Boolean): Flips the shape vertically if true.
    • skewX (Number): Skews the shape along the X-axis.
    • skewY (Number): Skews the shape along the Y-axis.
  • Appearance:
    • opacity (Number): Transparency level (0 to 1).
    • backgroundColor (String): Background color inside the shape.
    • visible (Boolean): Determines if the shape is rendered.
  • Interactivity:
    • selectable (Boolean): If true, the shape can be selected.
    • hasBorders (Boolean): If true, borders are shown when selected.
    • hasControls (Boolean): If true, control handles are available for transformation.
    • lockMovementX (Boolean): Prevents horizontal movement if true.
    • lockMovementY (Boolean): Prevents vertical movement if true.

Example Modification:

To change the color and size of a vehicle:

{ "type": "rect", "fill": "#ff0000", // Changes fill color to red "scaleX": 30, // Increases width scaling "scaleY": 15, // Increases height scaling "angle": 45 // Rotates the rectangle by 45 degrees }

#2. Path (path)

Purpose: Defines complex shapes and lines, such as roads, tire marks, arrows, and custom symbols.

Key Properties:

  • Positioning:
    • left (Number): Horizontal position relative to the origin.
    • top (Number): Vertical position relative to the origin.
    • pathOffset (Object): {x: Number, y: Number} shifts the path coordinates.
  • Dimensions:
    • width (Number): Base width.
    • height (Number): Base height.
  • Styling:
    • fill (String): Fill color.
    • stroke *(String null)*: Border color.
    • strokeWidth (Number): Thickness of the border.
    • strokeDashArray *(Array null)*: Creates dashed lines (e.g., [10, 20]).
  • Transformations:
    • scaleX, scaleY, angle, flipX, flipY, skewX, skewY (Same as rect)
  • Path Definition:
    • path (Array): Array of drawing commands defining the shape.
      • Commands:
        • "M": Move to
        • "L": Line to
        • "C": Cubic Bézier curve
        • "c": Relative cubic Bézier curve
        • "Z": Close path
  • Appearance:
    • opacity, backgroundColor, fillRule, visible (Same as rect)
  • Interactivity:
    • selectable, hasBorders, hasControls, lockMovementX, lockMovementY (Same as rect)

Example Modification:

To change the road’s color and make it dashed:

{ "type": "path", "fill": "gray", "stroke": "black", "strokeWidth": 2, "strokeDashArray": [5, 15], "scaleX": 1.5, "scaleY": 1.5 }

#3. Group (group)

Purpose: Groups multiple objects together, allowing collective transformations and property settings.

Key Properties:

  • Positioning:
    • left, top (Number): Position of the group.
    • width, height (Number): Dimensions of the group.
  • Styling and Transformations:
    • Inherits styling and transformation properties that can be applied to all nested objects.
    • fill, stroke, etc., can be overridden within nested objects.
  • Nested Objects:
    • objects (Array): Contains child objects (rect, path, text, etc.).
  • Appearance:
    • opacity, visible, clipTo, backgroundColor, fillRule (Same as above)
  • Interactivity:
    • selectable, hasBorders, hasControls, lockMovementX, lockMovementY (Same as above)

Example Modification:

To rotate all elements within a group:

{ "type": "group", "angle": 90, "objects": [ // Nested objects here ] }

#4. Interactive Text (i-text) and Text (text)

Purpose: Displays textual information on the image. i-text allows interactivity such as editing.

Key Properties:

  • Positioning:
    • left, top (Number): Position of the text.
  • Content:
    • text (String): The actual text content.
  • Styling:
    • fontSize (Number): Size of the text.
    • fontWeight *(String Number)*: Thickness of the text (e.g., "bold", 800).
    • fontFamily (String): Font type (e.g., "Helvetica", "monospace").
    • fontStyle (String): Style of the font (e.g., "italic").
    • fill (String): Text color.
    • stroke *(String null)*: Outline color around text.
    • strokeWidth (Number): Thickness of the text outline.
    • textAlign (String): Alignment ("left", "center", "right").
    • lineHeight (Number): Spacing between lines.
    • textDecoration (String): Decorations ("underline", "strikethrough").
    • charSpacing (Number): Spacing between characters.
    • textBackgroundColor (String): Background color behind the text.
  • Transformations:
    • scaleX, scaleY, angle, flipX, flipY (Same as rect)
  • Appearance:
    • opacity, visible, backgroundColor (Same as above)
  • Interactivity:
    • selectable, hasBorders, hasControls, lockMovementX, lockMovementY (Same as rect)

Example Modification:

To change the text content and font size:

{ "type": "i-text", "text": "New Accident Report", "fontSize": 24, "fill": "#ff0000" }

#5. Additional Properties

Purpose: Define behaviors and additional styling not covered by the main categories.

  • shadow *(Object null)*: Adds shadow effects to the object.
    • Properties: color, blur, offsetX, offsetY
  • clipTo *(Function null)*: Defines clipping regions for the object.
  • backgroundColor (String): Sets a background color within the object bounds.

  • fillRule (String): Determines the filling rule for complex paths.

  • globalCompositeOperation (String): Defines how the object is drawn relative to existing canvas content (e.g., "source-over", "multiply").

  • transformMatrix *(Array null)*: Custom transformation matrix for advanced transformations.
  • rx, ry (Number): Defines the radius for rounded corners in rectangles.

#6. Understanding path Definitions

Paths define intricate shapes using a series of drawing commands. Understanding the path array is crucial for modifying complex elements.

Common Commands:

  • "M x y": Move to point (x, y) without drawing.
  • "L x y": Draw a straight line to point (x, y).
  • "C x1 y1 x2 y2 x y": Draw a cubic Bézier curve with control points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) ending at (x, y).
  • "c dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx dy": Draw a relative cubic Bézier curve.
  • "Z": Close the current path by drawing a straight line back to the start.

Example Modification:

To alter the shape of a tire mark:

{ "type": "path", "path": [ ["M", 0, 0], ["L", 50, 0], ["L", 50, 10], ["L", 0, 10], ["Z"] ], "fill": "#000000", "stroke": "#ff0000", "strokeWidth": 2 }

#7. Interactive Properties

These properties control how users can interact with the objects within the web application.

  • selectable (Boolean): Determines if the object can be selected by the user.
  • hasBorders (Boolean): If true, borders appear when the object is selected.
  • hasControls (Boolean): If true, control handles (for scaling, rotating) are displayed.
  • lockMovementX, lockMovementY (Boolean): Prevents movement along the respective axis when true.

Example Modification:

To make an object non-interactive:

{ "type": "rect", "selectable": false, "hasBorders": false, "hasControls": false, "lockMovementX": true, "lockMovementY": true }

#8. Grouping and Hierarchical Transformations

Groups (group objects) allow multiple objects to be manipulated collectively. Transformations applied to a group affect all nested objects unless overridden.

Example Modification:

To uniformly scale all elements within a group:

{ "type": "group", "scaleX": 1.5, "scaleY": 1.5, "objects": [ // Nested objects here ] }

#9. Custom Properties

Some objects contain custom properties that define specific behaviors or characteristics.

  • tipo (String): Defines the type or category of the object (e.g., "MarcoQuilometrico", "txtBR", "SetaD").
  • pathOffset (Object): {x: Number, y: Number} used for adjusting the positioning of paths within group objects.

Example Modification:

To change the type of a marker:

{ "type": "i-text", "tipo": "txtNewType" }

#Practical Examples of Modifications

#Example 1: Changing the Road Color and Style

Original Road Object:

{ "type":"path", "fill":"gray", "stroke":null, "strokeWidth":1, "path":[["M",0,250],["L",1300,250],["L",1300,150],["L",0,150],["Z"]] }

Modification Objectives:

  • Change road color to dark gray.
  • Add a dashed line pattern.

Modified Road Object:

{ "type":"path", "fill":"#4d4d4d", // Dark gray fill "stroke":"#ffffff", // White border "strokeWidth":2, "strokeDashArray":[10, 15], // Dashed pattern "path":[["M",0,250],["L",1300,250],["L",1300,150],["L",0,150],["Z"]] }

#Example 2: Adjusting Vehicle Position and Orientation

Original Vehicle Object:

{ "type":"rect", "left":-11.5, "top":-141.25, "width":50, "height":50, "fill":"#247a49", "scaleX":23.88, "scaleY":12.95, "angle":0 }

Modification Objectives:

  • Move vehicle to a new position.
  • Rotate vehicle by 30 degrees.

Modified Vehicle Object:

{ "type":"rect", "left":100, // New X position "top":200, // New Y position "width":50, "height":50, "fill":"#247a49", "scaleX":23.88, "scaleY":12.95, "angle":30 // Rotate by 30 degrees }

#Example 3: Updating Text Information

Original Text Object:

{ "type":"i-text", "text":"BR-158", "fontSize":10, "fontWeight":"800", "fontFamily":"monospace", "fill":"white", "left":-19, "top":-29 }

Modification Objectives:

  • Change text to “BR-159”.
  • Increase font size.
  • Change text color to yellow.

Modified Text Object:

{ "type":"i-text", "text":"BR-159", "fontSize":14, "fontWeight":"800", "fontFamily":"monospace", "fill":"#FFFF00", // Yellow color "left":-19, "top":-29 }

#Understanding Transformation Properties

Transformation properties adjust the object’s size, rotation, and orientation.

  • scaleX and scaleY: Scale factors along the X and Y axes. Values greater than 1 enlarge the object, while values between 0 and 1 reduce its size.
  • angle: Rotates the object clockwise by the specified degrees.
  • flipX and flipY: Flips the object horizontally or vertically.
  • skewX and skewY: Shears the object along the X or Y axis.


{ "scaleX": 2, // Doubles the width "scaleY": 0.5, // Halves the height "angle": 45, // Rotates 45 degrees clockwise "flipX": true, // Flips horizontally "flipY": false, "skewX": 10, // Shears along X-axis by 10 degrees "skewY": 0 }

#Handling Nested Groups

Groups can contain multiple objects, allowing collective transformations and styling.

Original Group Object:

{ "type":"group", "left":10, "top":10, "width":50, "height":70, "objects":[ // Nested objects ] }

Modification Objectives:

  • Rotate the entire group by 15 degrees.
  • Change the fill color of all nested rectangles.

Modified Group Object:

{ "type":"group", "left":10, "top":10, "width":50, "height":70, "angle":15, // Rotate group "objects":[ { "type":"rect", "fill":"#FF5733", // Change fill color of nested rectangle // Other properties }, // Other nested objects ] }

#Interactive Elements

Interactive properties enhance user engagement and control within the web application.

  • selectable: Allows users to select the object for modifications.
  • hasBorders and hasControls: Display borders and control handles when the object is selected.
  • lockMovementX and lockMovementY: Restrict object movement along specific axes.


{ "type":"rect", "selectable":true, "hasBorders":true, "hasControls":true, "lockMovementX":false, "lockMovementY":false }

#Custom Attributes

Some objects include custom properties that define specific characteristics or behaviors.

  • tipo: A string identifier denoting the object’s category or purpose.
    • Example Values: "MarcoQuilometrico", "SetaD", "SetaE", "txtBR", "txtKM"
  • pathOffset: Defines the offset position for path elements within a group.
    • Structure: { x: Number, y: Number }
  • backgroundColor: Sets a background color distinct from the fill property.

Example Modification:

{ "tipo": "NewType", "pathOffset": { "x": 10, "y": 20 }, "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF" }

#Managing Opacity and Visibility

  • opacity: Controls the transparency of the object.
    • Range: 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (fully opaque)
  • visible: Toggles the visibility of the object.
    • Values: true (visible), false (hidden)


{ "opacity": 0.5, // 50% transparency "visible": true // Object is visible }

#Utilizing Shadows

Shadows add depth and emphasis to objects.

Shadow Properties:

  • color (String): Color of the shadow (e.g., "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)").
  • blur (Number): Blur radius of the shadow.
  • offsetX (Number): Horizontal offset of the shadow.
  • offsetY (Number): Vertical offset of the shadow.

Example Modification:

{ "shadow": { "color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.3)", "blur": 10, "offsetX": 5, "offsetY": 5 } }

#Example: Comprehensive Modification

Objective: Modify multiple aspects of the accident scene to represent a different scenario.


  • Change road color to dark gray with a dashed center line.
  • Relocate the vehicle to a new position and rotate it by 30 degrees.
  • Update text labels to reflect new information.
  • Add shadow effects to the vehicle.
  • Group elements to allow collective scaling.

Modified JSON Objects:

  1. Road Path:
    { "type":"path", "fill":"#4d4d4d", // Dark gray fill "stroke":"#ffeb3b", // Yellow dashed line "strokeWidth":3, "strokeDashArray":[15, 10], // Dashed pattern "path":[["M",0,250],["L",1300,250],["L",1300,150],["L",0,150],["Z"]], "selectable":false, "hasBorders":false, "hasControls":false }
  2. Vehicle Rectangle:
    { "type":"rect", "left":300, // New X position "top":400, // New Y position "width":50, "height":50, "fill":"#247a49", "stroke":"#000000", "strokeWidth":2, "scaleX":25, "scaleY":15, "angle":30, // Rotated 30 degrees "opacity":0.9, "shadow": { "color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", "blur": 15, "offsetX": 10, "offsetY": 10 }, "selectable":true, "hasBorders":true, "hasControls":true, "lockMovementX":false, "lockMovementY":false }
  3. Vehicle Label (i-text):
    { "type":"i-text", "text":"V2", "fontSize":20, "fontWeight":"bold", "fontFamily":"Arial", "fill":"#FFFFFF", "left":290, // Positioned relative to vehicle "top":380, "angle":30, "selectable":false, "hasBorders":false, "hasControls":false }
  4. Grouped Elements:
    { "type":"group", "left":300, "top":400, "angle":0, "objects":[ { "type":"rect", "left":0, "top":0, "width":50, "height":50, "fill":"#247a49", "stroke":"#000000", "strokeWidth":2, "scaleX":25, "scaleY":15, "opacity":0.9 }, { "type":"i-text", "text":"V2", "fontSize":20, "fontWeight":"bold", "fontFamily":"Arial", "fill":"#FFFFFF", "left":-10, "top":-20 } ], "scaleX":1.2, // Collective scaling "scaleY":1.2, "selectable":true, "hasBorders":true, "hasControls":true, "lockMovementX":false, "lockMovementY":false }

#Summary of Modifiable Variables

Property Description Possible Values/Examples
type Defines the object type "rect", "path", "group", "i-text", "text"
left / top Positioning coordinates Numeric values (e.g., 100, 200)
width / height Base dimensions before scaling Numeric values (e.g., 50, 100)
fill Fill color Hex codes (e.g., "#ff0000"), color names
stroke Border color Hex codes, color names, null
strokeWidth Thickness of the border Numeric values (e.g., 1, 2, 5)
strokeDashArray Dash pattern for borders Arrays of numbers (e.g., [10, 5])
scaleX / scaleY Scaling factors Numeric values >0 (e.g., 1, 1.5, 0.5)
angle Rotation angle in degrees Numeric values (e.g., 0, 45, 90)
flipX / flipY Horizontal and vertical flip flags true or false
skewX / skewY Shear transformations Numeric values (degrees or radians)
opacity Transparency level 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
backgroundColor Background color within the object Hex codes, color names
fillRule Defines how the interior is determined for complex paths "nonzero", "evenodd"
globalCompositeOperation Determines how shapes are drawn over each other "source-over", "multiply", etc.
transformMatrix Custom transformation matrix Arrays defining transformation matrices
rx / ry Radii for rounded corners in rectangles Numeric values (e.g., 0, 10)
path Defines the shape via drawing commands Arrays of drawing commands
pathOffset Offset for path positioning within groups { "x": Number, "y": Number }
shadow Shadow effect properties Objects with color, blur, offsetX, offsetY
clipTo Function defining clipping regions Function or null
selectable If the object can be selected true or false
hasBorders If borders are displayed when selected true or false
hasControls If control handles are available true or false
lockMovementX / lockMovementY Lock movement along axes true or false
tipo Custom identifier for object type Custom strings (e.g., "MarcoQuilometrico")
text Content of text objects Strings (e.g., "BR-158")
fontSize Size of the text Numeric values (e.g., 10, 15, 20)
fontWeight Thickness of the text font "normal", "bold", numeric values (e.g., 800)
fontFamily Typeface of the text Font names (e.g., "Helvetica", "monospace")
fontStyle Style of the text font "normal", "italic", etc.
textAlign Alignment of the text "left", "center", "right"
lineHeight Spacing between lines in text Numeric values (e.g., 1, 1.5)
textDecoration Decorations on the text "underline", "strikethrough", etc.
charSpacing Spacing between characters Numeric values (e.g., 0, 1, 2)
textBackgroundColor Background color behind the text Hex codes, color names

#Best Practices for Modifying Variables

  1. Incremental Changes:
    • Make small adjustments to variables to observe their effects before committing to larger changes.
  2. Backup Original Data:
    • Always keep a copy of the original JSON data to revert changes if necessary.
  3. Consistent Styling:
    • Maintain a consistent color scheme and styling across similar objects for visual coherence.
  4. Understand Dependencies:
    • Recognize how transformations on parent groups affect nested objects.
  5. Test Interactivity:
    • After modifying interactive properties, test object behaviors within the web application to ensure desired functionality.
  6. Validate JSON Structure:
    • Ensure that the JSON syntax remains correct after modifications to prevent errors during import.


By meticulously adjusting the properties outlined above, users can effectively modify various aspects of the accident scene visualization. Whether it’s altering colors, repositioning elements, changing text content, or adjusting interactivity, understanding these variables allows for precise and meaningful customizations within the web application.